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stderr 10-25-2012 03:24 PM

Access to modules

a lot of our customers have problem with restricting user via "Access to modules". They have this idea: I want to forbid some function for user, eg. cron or editing domains, but - at the same time - want to configure it by admin user.

Example: there is an administrator (without superuser rights, so withou own cron) which create user. This user shouldn't edit his own cron, so admin restrict access via modules. BUT administrator now can't setup cron for this user too.

Or (worst situation): same administrator as above create user, who has but shouldn't edit webdomains. BUT after disabling all www modules (wwwdomain, wwwredirect, ...) only for this one user there are errors with backup:

Oct 25 03:12:24 Failed to run function wwwdomain: Permission denied
Is there any elegant solution or any text with explanation how modules works? Can be system backed up without errrors (run just under root user)?


Jarred 01-18-2013 06:18 PM

what stderr said is absolutely great idea. I bought PRO licence becouse I thought that I would be able to manage this. I assumed that it will work exactly as stderr describes.
My humble opinion is that this option is will be more useful than how it works now.

Can I ask for your comments on this matter? Thank you very much.

Jarred 03-04-2013 02:58 AM

Any response please? The "PRO" licence is little bit worthless now...

Dasha 03-05-2013 05:14 AM


Unfortunately, this functionality doesn't supported by the panel.
Only one way - you can forbid Scheduler (cron) for user and your administrator with superuser rights can edit cron via ssh.
As about backup errors, don't pay attention to them. The backup module can't access to wwwdomain because you forbade it to the backuping user. It's the logic of the backup module.

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