View Full Version : user FTP forbid

04-05-2009, 06:10 PM
need to forbid FTP access if user have no FTP accaunt in preset.

this can be done with put username in "etc/ftpusers"

now we do this manually,
but, why used controlpanel if rules setup manually? ;)

this feature need because we used ISP manager for FTP hosting, and we need to forbid ftp access to user ,if not buying FTP account in hosting packages.


04-07-2009, 08:21 PM
You can use ISPmanager's events for add usernames to ftpusers file, see documentation example at Extended configuration - Events

04-17-2009, 01:49 PM
you can create "checkbox=block ftp access", near ftp account in preset.

if I put 0 for ftp account, then I check this Checkbox, and ISPman send this user in ftpusers file.

if I put 0 in ftpaccount , and do not chack this box, user can access nevertheless.

with this we can make both preset (hosting packages), and diferent price.